Red berry tiramisu


Red berry tiramisu

To enjoy with CRUZ Pink

  • picto-personnes
    6 pers.
  • picto-temps
    20 mins.
  • picto-moyen
  1. Defrost the red berries in a strainer over a bowl.
  2. Separate the yolks from the egg whites. Beat the yolks with the sugar until the sugar is dissolved and the mixture whitens.
  3. Add the mascarpone to the mixture.
  4. Beat the eggs to stiff peaks and then gently fold into the mascarpone mixture.
  5. Mix the strained red berry juice with the blackcurrant liqueur.
  6. Dip the sponge fingers in the juice mixture and use them to line the bottom of a dish or dessert glasses.
  7. Add a layer of the mascarpone mixture followed by a layer of red berries.
  8. Repeat this step to the top of the dish, finishing off with the red berries.
  • 250 g mascarpone
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 g sugar
  • 12 sponge fingers (or more, depending on the dish used)
  • 450 g frozen red berries
  • 2 tsp blackcurrant liqueur